(British English football), also known as football is a team sport played
between two teams of eleven players each and some referees dealing with the
rules are properly followed. It is widely considered the most popular sport in
the world, as practiced by some 270 million people.
The pitch
is rectangular natural or artificial turf, with a goal or arc on each side of
the field. It is played using a ball to be moved through the field with any
part of the body other than the arms or hands, and mostly with their feet
(hence its name). The goal is to enter into the opposite goal, action is called
score. The team that achieves more goals after the match, lasting 90 minutes,
is the winner of the match is.
Football is
played by following a set of rules, officially called rules. This sport is
played with a spherical ball (leather or other material with a circumference of
no more than 70 cm and not less than 68 cm, and weighing not more than 450 g
and not less than 410 g at the beginning of the match), where two teams of
eleven players each (ten players "field" and a goalie) compete to fit
it into the goal and scoring once. The team that has scored more goals late in
the game is the winner; if both teams do not score or make the same number of
goals, then a tie is declared. There may be exceptions to this rule; Duration
and results see below.
The main
rule is that players other than the goalkeepers, may not intentionally touch
the ball with their hands or arms during play, though they must use their hands
to throw-ins.
In a
typical game, players try to get the ball to the goal, which is called goal
through individual control of it, known as dribbling or passing to teammates or
shots on the goal, which is protected for a goalkeeper. The rival players try
to regain control of the ball intercepting passes or removing the ball to the
player who wears; however, physical contact is limited. The game in soccer
flows freely, and stops only when the ball leaves the pitch or when the referee
decides he should stop. After each pause, the game with a specific play is
restarted. At the end of the match, the referee compensates the total time in
minutes that the game was suspended at different times.