viernes, 5 de junio de 2015


Football (British English football), also known as football is a team sport played between two teams of eleven players each and some referees dealing with the rules are properly followed. It is widely considered the most popular sport in the world, as practiced by some 270 million people.

The pitch is rectangular natural or artificial turf, with a goal or arc on each side of the field. It is played using a ball to be moved through the field with any part of the body other than the arms or hands, and mostly with their feet (hence its name). The goal is to enter into the opposite goal, action is called score. The team that achieves more goals after the match, lasting 90 minutes, is the winner of the match is.

Football is played by following a set of rules, officially called rules. This sport is played with a spherical ball (leather or other material with a circumference of no more than 70 cm and not less than 68 cm, and weighing not more than 450 g and not less than 410 g at the beginning of the match), where two teams of eleven players each (ten players "field" and a goalie) compete to fit it into the goal and scoring once. The team that has scored more goals late in the game is the winner; if both teams do not score or make the same number of goals, then a tie is declared. There may be exceptions to this rule; Duration and results see below.

The main rule is that players other than the goalkeepers, may not intentionally touch the ball with their hands or arms during play, though they must use their hands to throw-ins.

In a typical game, players try to get the ball to the goal, which is called goal through individual control of it, known as dribbling or passing to teammates or shots on the goal, which is protected for a goalkeeper. The rival players try to regain control of the ball intercepting passes or removing the ball to the player who wears; however, physical contact is limited. The game in soccer flows freely, and stops only when the ball leaves the pitch or when the referee decides he should stop. After each pause, the game with a specific play is restarted. At the end of the match, the referee compensates the total time in minutes that the game was suspended at different times.

Football history:

In the late Middle Ages and later centuries developed in the British Isles and surrounding areas different sets of equipment, to which they were known as football codes. These codes were unified with the passage of time, but in the second half of the seventeenth century when the first great unification of football took place, which gave rise to rugby football, American football, Australian rules football, etc., and sport is now known in much of the world as football, period.

In other areas of the world games where a ball was driven with the feet also practiced. May be mentioned the Jesuit Reductions of the Guarani area, more specifically in the San Ignacio Mini in the seventeenth century, the region now known as Misiones between them. The Spanish Jesuit Jose Manuel Peramás wrote in his book De vita et moribus tredecim virorum paraguaycorum: "They used to also play with a ball, which, although rubber filled, was so light and fast that every time they hit, still bouncing some time, without stopping, driven by its own weight. They not are throwing the ball with his hand, like us, but with the top of the bare foot, passing and receiving it with great agility and precision’


According to a survey conducted by FIFA in the year 2006,2 about 270 million people worldwide are actively involved in football, including players, referees and officials. Of these, 265 million regularly play football professionally, semi-professional or amateur, considering both men, women, youth and children. This represents about 4% of the world population. The confederation with the highest percentage of people actively involved with soccer is CONCACAF, with 8.53% of the population. Its counterpart occurs in the zone of the AFC, where the percentage is only 2.22%. UEFA has a shareholding of 7.59%; CONMEBOL 7.47%; OFC of 4.68%; and the African Football Confederation 5.16%. There are more than 1.7 million computers worldwide and approximately 301 000 clubes.31

The country with the most players who play regularly (except children) is China, which has 26.1 million players. Follow: United States (24.4 million), India (20.5), Germany (16.3), Brazil (13.1), Colombia (9.2) and Mexico (8.4). Furthermore, the federations with fewer regular players (except children) is Montserrat, with only 300 players, the British Virgin Islands (658), Anguilla (760) and Turks and Caicos (950).

I like soccer because it is a sport that I practice since I was 8 years old and my passion, in January 2016 I'm going to play the Netherlands as a professional footballer, I hope that football can give a lot to my mom and family, to help as much as you can, football is my life, play football every day and I train every day to be better every day and reach the selection either Colombia or Holland.

my idol is ronaldinho 

My favorite team is Barcelona, and I like his style of play and more because Ronaldinho was playing in Barcelona, from that time I much prefer this team, I would like to get to play in.