viernes, 5 de junio de 2015

Football history:

In the late Middle Ages and later centuries developed in the British Isles and surrounding areas different sets of equipment, to which they were known as football codes. These codes were unified with the passage of time, but in the second half of the seventeenth century when the first great unification of football took place, which gave rise to rugby football, American football, Australian rules football, etc., and sport is now known in much of the world as football, period.

In other areas of the world games where a ball was driven with the feet also practiced. May be mentioned the Jesuit Reductions of the Guarani area, more specifically in the San Ignacio Mini in the seventeenth century, the region now known as Misiones between them. The Spanish Jesuit Jose Manuel Peramás wrote in his book De vita et moribus tredecim virorum paraguaycorum: "They used to also play with a ball, which, although rubber filled, was so light and fast that every time they hit, still bouncing some time, without stopping, driven by its own weight. They not are throwing the ball with his hand, like us, but with the top of the bare foot, passing and receiving it with great agility and precision’

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